Modernize Your 1:1s

One-on-one meetings are perhaps one of the most vital contact points you have with your team members. As a conscious business leader, one of your goals should be to invest in your people, right? So then this means knowing their strengths, opportunities, and what they need from you to be their best. This sort of […]

meet our founder

Natalie Underdown is an Organizational Psychologist and sought-after Executive Coach.

With a Ph.D. in I/O Psychology and almost two decades of consulting and organizational development experience....

... she takes clients on a deep dive using psychology, mindfulness, and neuroscience.

A mindbodysoul, choose your own adventure of sorts rarely offered within executive coaching.

This modern, whole-person approach, while unconventional, leads to very real, tangible results. 

Natalie has lived through the highs and lows of corporate life. Working for global organizations including Accenture and Live Nation, she learned firsthand what fuels personal and professional growth—and what burns it down.

A personal health crisis made her realize that the career she was deeply invested in was no longer aligned for her and that health is # 1 - without it, nothing else really matters. 

This realization sparked a journey into mindfulness, neuroscience, nutrition, and detoxification, reshaping not just her physical and emotional well-being but her approach to leadership coaching as well. 

“I’ve seen the pressures of Corporate America up close,” Natalie says. “My wake-up call showed me there’s a better way to lead—a way that lights you up, not burns you out.”

This holistic approach is now the heart of her coaching philosophy. Natalie’s method is integrative, immersive, and impactful. She dives deep, building leaders from the inside out.

"We focus on strategic, sustainable growth for you - as an executive, leader, and as a person. We have fun creating the next iteration of you based on your own and other key inputs. As terrifying as it is to go through a 360 process (for my corporate clients), it's where the gold is. You might cry. We'll definitely laugh. You'll leave the engagement with a better understanding of yourself, what needed to shift, and how to continue sustainably achieving results as this next version of you."