What is a ‘coach,’ really?
The word coach at one point meant a carriage, that would physically transport and carry someone from one location to another. We’ve all seen those horse-drawn buggies from the olden days, right?
Coaches today still help get someone from point A to point B, but it’s usually in their business or life (we have Uber and Lyft for the actual transport).
These days you really can find a coach for anything—from weight loss to creative pursuits.
Ever wondered why that is?
It’s because we live in the *information age.* We live in the age where people can find what they’re looking for with the click of a button or the swipe of a screen.
Ultimately, though, we live in an age where people can take their knowledge and help others achieve their goals faster, with greater gains and fewer losses.
Why spend years trying to figure things out for yourself when you can hire someone to help guide you through the process?
While we no longer need help physically getting from one place to another, the most successful leaders today have someone in their corner, supporting them in achieving their goals and elevating their game.
As an executive coach, I help you explore your beliefs, mindset, behaviors, relationships, communication style and habits at work and in life.

Our 1:1 conversations help you up-level your leadership, get to the root cause of your challenges, find ways to become *un-stuck,* and refocus you back on your passion and love for your work.
This exploration of your current state, your future goals, and the gap in between will allow you to create alignment, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of yourself.
Because multiplying the impact of your brand begins by doing the work within, first.
The relationship between an executive and their coach is very personal. And that’s why, just like any other relationship, you have to find the right person.
Soccer team coach, creative coach, executive coach—whatever coach you’re searching for, here are:
My top 3 tips to find the right coach for you
1. Clarify what you hope to gain from working together
Before you even take steps to search for a person, consider your ‘why.’
Why does coaching feel right to you? Why is now the right time? And what are your goal(s)? Be sure to make the goals you have super clear (and measurable) so that in the end, you’ll know if you achieved what you set out to achieve from hiring this person.
2. Understand the coach’s process & what working together will look like
Coaching is an unregulated industry and every coach is different. It’s the wild wild west, y’all!
Before you begin, ask your potential coach the following questions: “How will you structure our calls? What is a typical call like? How will you hold me accountable? How would you describe your coaching style? Why do most people come to you and what do they get?”
You’re entitled to know all of this before you begin (so don’t be shy!). Many coaches will offer the option to set up a free consult specifically for this reason, so take advantage of that and ask away!
3. Ask a few previous clients about their results from working with this coach
I love when potential clients ask me for references. Why? Because my past coaching clients have seen incredible results!
Feel free to ask the coach you’re considering if they can connect you with a past coaching client.
At The NU Co, we offer both Purpose Coaching and Executive Coaching.
Click here to explore our coaching packages and learn more.

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